Elgin’s Industrial History – a different water of life …

There’s no lack of fast flowing rivers in Moray and by the 16th century, watermills were the largest source of motive power. Watermills were established across the country as early as the 12th Century to drive the wheels of industry including sawmilling, grain milling, producing cloth and even grinding ingredients for gunpowder and providing the power for huge bellows to keep furnaces roaring.
Moray’s industrial history … power to the people …

There’s no lack of fast flowing rivers in Moray and by the 16th century, watermills were the largest source of motive power. Watermills were established across the country as early as the 12th Century to drive the wheels of industry including sawmilling, grain milling, producing cloth and even grinding ingredients for gunpowder and providing the power for huge bellows to keep furnaces roaring.
Elgin’s Industrial History – what’s brewing?…

There’s no lack of fast flowing rivers in Moray and by the 16th century, watermills were the largest source of motive power. Watermills were established across the country as early as the 12th Century to drive the wheels of industry including sawmilling, grain milling, producing cloth and even grinding ingredients for gunpowder and providing the power for huge bellows to keep furnaces roaring.
Elgin’s Industrial History … definitely worth its salt …

There’s no lack of fast flowing rivers in Moray and by the 16th century, watermills were the largest source of motive power. Watermills were established across the country as early as the 12th Century to drive the wheels of industry including sawmilling, grain milling, producing cloth and even grinding ingredients for gunpowder and providing the power for huge bellows to keep furnaces roaring.
Gairland unveils “Chanonry Court” industrial units and offices on A96

Gairland has revealed a £2.5million expansion to its portfolio of commercial properties in Moray.Gairland, which owns and lets a collection of business centres, retail spaces, and hospitality units in the region, unveiled the seven-figure investment following the purchase of Chanonry Court. The multi-million pound deal will see Gairland offer 18 industrial units and warehouses for […]